04 January 2007

Marv vs Max

My old chum Marv from the old 80s firm was, well, a complete asshole. A womanizing wannabe, as well as self-promoting loser of a financial manager, Marv fancied himself as an "idol" of sorts. My, was he wrong.

Whilst perusing random websites, I trod upon a modern-day Marv! Perplexing to say the least. The look may have changed since the eighties, but the core is still the same. What a fucking loser.

Apparently I'm not the only one that believes this guy is a complete tool, because someone has come up with an "anti" site, and although spelled incorrectly, the message is perfectly clear:
Tucker Max is a douchebag? Indeed.


Anonymous said...

I've just returned from the future, and I brought back a video clip of Tucker 15 years from now...


mr butt fox said...

I concur, but I would say more like SIX years rather than 15.

What an ass clown.