04 January 2007

The First 100 Hours....

was NOT supposed to include politics, but I found this too important:

"What we want to do in the first 100 hours is do exactly what we promised the American people that we would do and that we debated over the last six months ... taking America in a new direction," said incoming House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md.

Leading up to the opening session, Democrats this week distributed their latest outline of their "first 100 hours" agenda, which puts ethics and open government reforms at the top of their priority list to accomplish. The agenda also includes adopting the remaining recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, raising the minimum wage, promoting stem cell research and renewable fuels and reducing Medicare prescription prices and student loan costs.

the above is good news. normally, i don't address politics. and normally, gents as rich and smart as i claim that they're republicans. i'm not. the current administration ruined the gop forever. fuck them. it's time for a change.

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