04 January 2007

Lego My Ego: Waffle Wars

I hate celebrity shit, but this isn't about tits, clubbing, paris, or that sort of mularkey. It's about fat and egos. Not the waffles, although they could easily be involved on one side. Fascinating.

Anylard, I found a fitting poem:

hey rosie you're fat
now deal with it
your Trump View chat
congealed with shit

play the gay card
defend Clay Aiken
your autopsy will show
a half ton of bacon

a fat clown is scary
your rants make us shudder
your lard-painted face
and a suit full of butter

you're bitter and spiteful
and love the attention
your legs make your tights full
with ham-induced tension

chinese and devito
what a perfect bunch
you'll cook them together
another fat lunch

antagonize trump
then defend your attack
try someone your own size
hey how 'bout Shaq?

provoking the Donald
wont do much for your cause
whats next? McDonalds?
no! you'll eat santa claus

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