04 January 2007

Sell all of my shares of 'stupid whores'

My old girlfriend Darien was pretty cool back in the day, until I finally caught on to the fact that she was using me for my money. It happens all the time, right? Still, she's a whore. One of many that think they're supersmart and revolutionary but really they're just standard stock whores. Nothing special. Anyjew, while pouring over the pages of Supermarv's website below, I ran across yet another website from a self-absorbed wannabe writer that fancies herself as a sexpert ultra woman of the nineties. I mean thousands. Whatever.

Her scribings include boring anecdotes about her new "boyfriend" - a doctor (of course) that says things like "patient is responding well to treatment." So randy. And unpredictable. Blech.

What's next - will he prescribe her an ultra-hip anti-depressant?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you hate Jada so much...


Unless, of course, you're the one who writes it.